Sama vritti is one of the most basic forms of pranayama. Even kids can learn how to do a practice like sama vritti, which can be done almost anywhere and reduces stress and anxiety quite quickly. Learn this pranayama and then add it to your arsenal of calming techniques.
Keep in mind that, throughout the practice, the body should feel at ease and relaxed. Often, holding our breath initiates a stress response. Stay mindful and encourage the body to release tension as you get used to holding your breath for longer periods of time.
Come to sit in a comfortable, cross-legged position such as easy pose, placing padding under your seat as necessary. If sitting on the floor isn't possible, lie on your back or sit in a chair.
Close your eyes and begin to notice your natural breath, not changing anything at first. Give yourself a good five breaths or so.
Begin to slowly count to four as you inhale. Take a moment at the top of your inhalation with the lungs full of air. Then also count to four as you exhale. Again take a moment to feel empty. Then inhale again to another count of four. Continue this pattern. The exercise is to match the lengths of your inhales and exhales.
You may experiment with changing the number you count too; just make sure your inhalation and exhalation are the same lengths.
Continue breathing this way for several minutes.