Warrior II

From downward facing dog, step your right foot to the inside of your right hand.
Bend your right knee directly over your ankle so your thigh is parallel to the floor.
Pivot on the ball of your left foot to bring your left heel to your mat. Your left foot should be at a 90-degree angle with the sole firmly planted. Your front heel is roughly lined up with your back arch.
Rise to stand.
Open your hips to the left side of your mat. Your torso will be facing left.
Extend your right arm toward the front of the mat and your left arm toward the back of the mat with your palms facing down. Keep both arms parallel to the floor.
Release your shoulders away from your ears. Reach out through the fingertips of both hands.
Turn your head to face the front of your mat. Your gaze is forward over the right hand.
Both thighs are rotating outward.
Engage your triceps to support your arms, your quadriceps to support your legs, and your belly to support your torso.
After several breaths, windmill your hands down to either side of your right foot and step back to downward dog. Stay here for a few breaths or go through a vinyasa before repeating the pose with the left foot forward.