The 3-Step Mindfulness Exercise

Step 1: step out of “auto-pilot” to bring awareness to what you are doing, thinking, and sensing at this moment.Try to pause and take a comfortable but dignified posture. Notice the thoughts that come up and acknowledge your feelings, but let them pass. Attune yourself to who you are and your current state.
Step 2: bring awareness to the breathing for six breaths or a minute.The goal is to focus attention on one thing: your breath. Be aware of the movement of your body with each breath, of how your chest rises and falls, how your belly pushes in and out, and how your lungs expand and contract. Find the pattern of your breath and anchor yourself to the present with this awareness.
Step 3: expand awareness outward, first to the body then to the environment.Allow the awareness to expand out to your body. Notice the sensations you are experiencing, like tightness, aches, or perhaps a lightness in your face or shoulders. Keep in mind your body as a whole, as a complete vessel for your inner self;If you wish, you can then expand your awareness even further to the environment around you.
Step 4: bring your attention to what is in front of you. Notice the colors, shapes, patterns, and textures of the objects you can see. Be present at this moment, in your awareness of your surroundings.
Step 5: when you are ready to finish the exercise, open your eyes slowly and try to carry that mindfulness with you as you go about your day.